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Den Barokke By
Mindre grupper er meget velkommen.
Hvor længe varer det?
- 3 timer
Hvad er inkluderet?
- Opsamling ved hotellet
- Privat Guide
- Privat Transport
Minimum antal deltagere?
- Grupper på min. 3 personer kan reservere.
Hvor længe varer det?
- 3 timer
Hvad er inkluderet?
- Opsamling ved hotellet
- Privat Guide
- Privat Transport
Minimum antal deltagere?
- Grupper på min. 3 personer kan reservere.
Customer testimonials
A party you'll never forget. See more then 400 feedback of our customers!

Dear Justyna :) Thank you for your email. Our weekend was great, we had lots of fun, especially during the show. ;-) If am allowed to organize one more bachelorette party, I will think of you. :) Have a nice day

Thank you for an amazing four nights!!! We had a great time!!!!! You guys we're all so good!! Thank you from us all. Look forward to hearing from you again. Many Thanks,

Hi. Yes we enjoyed the trip thanks. In particular Annie who collected us and managed everything was excellent. She is a credit to your company. Thanks